Update instructions
Delete blk0001.dat, blkindex.dat and peers.dat before launching version if you come from any 1.2.x (or prior) version.
I have received 0 PoS and it’s been just over 1 week
PoS minting normally starts after 5-15 days. That simply means it’s when it becomes available. You could mint it in exactly 5 days or it could take longer.
You have 365 coins for a day and mint a block. You are rewarded 1 coin.
You have 365 coins for a week before minting a block. You are rewarded 7 coins.
You have 365 coins for a month before minting a block. You are rewarded 30-31 coins.
You have 365 coins for a year before minting a block. You are rewarded 365 coins.
You have X coins for Y period before minting a block. You are rewarded (x*y)/365 coins.
For PoS do you have to keep your wallet open 24/7?
No, it’s based on coin-days, which are based on when the coins were sent to a wallet. For example, if I sent you 365 coins today and you never even had a wallet to sync, but you then opened it in 10 days, you would have 10 coin years (365 coins * 10 days) you could collect interest on. If you waited 100 days you’d have 100 coin years you could collect on.
What if I miss a day? Do I lose 1 day worth of PoS rewards?
It doesn’t matter how long you wait before you open your wallet/leave it running, so long as the maximum PoS coin interest hasn’t been accrued by the entire network yet.
How can I support the Coin?
There are a couple of ways, purchase coins from the exchange. And you can also donate to the developer, which will help support further development initiatives.
GrowthCoins donation address: